Apache Brown D.G. is a crushed granite rock fine from the Central Arizona quarry. It is available in 1/4" minus size.
Apache Brown is a very light brown earth tone crushed granite D.G., which is approximately 80% fine and 20% rock. It is rounded and sand-like. Apache Brown D.G. is very effective for pathways, planter beds, patio, and utility areas. One ton of this material will cover approximately 90 sq ft at 3-inches deep. One cubic yard of this material will cover 120 sq ft at 3-inches deep. This material is sold with and without stabilizers. This product is shipped in bulk and super sacks wherever requested in the USA.
Stabilizers: This material mixes very well with dry soluble and liquid stabilizer products. Apache Brown D.G. should be mixed with 10-12 pounds of dry stabilizer with 1 ton of the D.G. for the best results.